Form Reform UTM

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Track UTM tags for use with both Form Reform and Conditional Redirect

Form Reform UTM is valuable for those involved in campaign tracking and analytics, as it allows the integration of UTM tag data into form handlers and page attributes, improving the customization and relevance of user experiences based on campaign data. It is not limited to users of Form Reform; it also complements the Conditional Redirect feature, providing a versatile solution for handling UTM tags efficiently.


  • UTM Tag Tracking: Automatically captures incoming UTM tags such as utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_content, and utm_term. This functionality works with both GET query parameters and POST data, ensuring comprehensive tag capture.
  • Integration with Form Reform: Makes captured UTM tag values available as placeholders (e.g., {{utm:source}}) in Form Reform form handlers facilitating dynamic form responses based on UTM data.
  • Track UTM tags with submitted form data.
  • Customize form response messages and emails based on tracked UTM tags.
  • Integration with Conditional Redirect: Makes captured UTM tag values available as placeholders (e.g., {{utm:source}}) in Conditional Redirect page attributes, facilitating dynamic content delivery based on UTM data.
  • Display campaign-specific pages and conduct A/B testing based on the UTM tags received, enabling targeted content delivery and effective testing scenarios.
  • Configurable Parameter Mapping: Supports customization beyond standard UTM parameters, allowing users to configure the mapping of incoming parameters to suit different tracking schemes.