Version History


  • Changed when logging was effective
  • Refactored the settings form design
  • Added the possibility to exclude words from the provided spammy keyword list


Fixed a bug. Logging settings were not saving correctly.

2.0.1 Bug Fix: 2021/11/21

Fixed IP validation following removal of Zend validator from core 2.0 Update: 2021/10/29

concrete CMS v9 ready 1.0.4 Enhancement: 2021/02/02

Improved on logging and email messages when using the selective spam types notifications. 1.0.3 New Feature: 2021/01/31

Added the possibility to selectively log or get emails for specific spam types instead of all of them. Updated the list of IP addresses for Amazon AWS and Tor 1.0.2 Bug Fix: 2020/12/02

Fixed a bug that made it impossible to save the "check spammy words" option. 1.0.1 New Feature: 2020/12/02

Added basic total and monthly statistics for blocked spam. 1.0 Package approved: 2020/11/18

Package approved and available in the marketplace.