Universal Content Puller Attribute

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Attribute to display content pulled with Universal Content Puller

Universal Content Puller Attribute is an extension for Universal Content Puller.

Once installed, a UCP Stored Setting attribute type will be available for Collections/Pages. This attribute type selects from previously stored Universal Content Puller settings and renders the pulled content when the attribute type is displayed.

The UCP Stored Setting attribute type has a minimal edit form to work with previously stored Universal Content Puller settings. Settings can be stored using the Export button from any Universal Content Puller block or global settings edit dialogue and then selecting the Save to store option. This will create or update a stored setting.

All such stored settings are then available for selection with a UCP Stored Setting attribute. The attribute form provides a simple select between all previously stored Universal Content Puller ​​settings.

When a UCP Stored Setting attribute is displayed, the selected Universal Content Puller settings are evaluated and the pulled content displayed.

In its simplest form, this can be the core Attribute Display block, but you can use a UCP Stored Setting attribute in any other places you would display an attribute.

Considerations on use

  • Universal Content Puller's Ajax rendering is disabled. Pulled content is rendered immediately.
  • Pagination within pulled content is disabled. Where pulled content would have been paginated, the first page is shown.
  • If content display requires JavaScript assets to be loaded, for example, to show a chart, the block cache for any displaying block must be disabled (in Advanced settings of the edit mode menu) to allow the attribute view to load the assets.
  • When using the core Attribute Display block, multi-line formatting must be 'none'. Alternatively, use the Raw template bundled with this package.
  • The UCP Stored Setting attribute type can be used with categories other than Collection/Page, such as Express and Users, but is not enabled for such during installation. See Dashboard > System & Settings > Attributes > Types.