Universal Content Puller Elements

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Code your own elements to display pulled content.

Universal Content Puller Elements is a sophisticated developer extension for Universal Content Puller, enhancing the capabilities of Concrete CMS by allowing for the customization of content display using Concrete CMS Elements. This extension broadens the scope of possibilities for displaying pulled content, offering an innovative approach for developers looking to tailor content displays to specific requirements.

Key Features

  • Developer-Level Customization: Enables the use of Concrete CMS Elements to format and display pulled content, providing a high degree of customization and flexibility.
  • Simple Integration with Universal Content Puller: Works seamlessly with the content pulling, manipulation, and filtering capabilities of Universal Content Puller, focusing on the display aspect.
  • Element and Element List Displays: Includes two new content displays—Element, which renders your custom element once with all data from the transform, and Element List, which renders your element for each item in a content list.
  • Extensibility: Designed to be extended easily, allowing for the integration of custom elements, as well as additional sources, transforms, and displays provided by Universal Content Puller or third-party plugins.


  • Enhanced Display Capabilities: Offers an advanced solution for developers who require more than the standard display options available in Universal Content Puller.
  • Developer Efficiency: Simplifies the process of creating custom displays by handling the heavy lifting, leaving developers to focus on coding the element for presentation.
  • Seamless Content Integration: Facilitates the integration of complex content structures into Concrete CMS websites, enhancing user engagement and content accessibility.

Use Cases

  • Customized Content Presentation: Ideal for projects requiring uniquely styled content displays, such as custom galleries, sliders, or information panels that go beyond basic layouts.
  • Data-Driven Applications: Useful in scenarios where content is dynamically pulled from various sources and needs to be displayed in a specific format, such as dashboards, data summaries, or detailed reports.
  • Interactive Content Features: Enhances sites that benefit from interactive elements, such as clickable maps, complex forms, or content that changes based on user input or other dynamic data sources.

Extension and Customization

As a developer-focused tool, Universal Content Puller Elements encourages the creation of custom elements to meet the precise needs of your project. This extension not only expands the functional reach of Universal Content Puller but also exemplifies the extensibility and adaptability of Concrete CMS, making it a valuable tool for developers looking to push the boundaries of content display.