Product RDF Block

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An advanced SEO Product RDF structured data block to promote a product with image and optional link to a product page. V9+.

The RDF Structured Data Block add-on is particularly beneficial for e-commerce sites using the 'Community Store'. It enhances Advanced SEO by embedding structured data (RDF) into the page source, making your website's content more comprehensible and accessible to search engines.

Why Use Structured Data?

Structured Data plays a critical role in SEO by enabling search engines to better crawl, understand, and display the content from your web pages. This results in richer, more relevant search results for users, significantly improving the visibility and user experience of your website. The use of RDF (Resource Description Framework) specifically:

  • Facilitates Web Resource Descriptions: RDF is a W3C standardized model for data interchange on the web. It outlines how to describe web resources, making your website's content more identifiable and indexable by search engines.
  • Enhances Data Interchange: RDF's powerful and expressive standard supports effective data interchange, enabling the representation of intricate relationships between web resources.
  • Improves Search Engine Recognition: By structuring data in a way that search engines can easily interpret, RDF helps improve your site's recognition, contributing to better SEO outcomes.


  • Advanced SEO Integration: Directly contributes to your site's SEO strategy by improving how search engines understand and present your content in search results.
  • Compatibility with Community Store: Designed to work seamlessly with the Community Store add-on for Concrete CMS, making it ideal for e-commerce sites.
  • Ease of Use: Simply add the RDF Structured Data Block to your pages to start benefiting from enhanced data representation without needing extensive SEO knowledge.

How to Test Your Structured Data

After implementing the RDF Structured Data Block, you can validate and preview how your structured data appears to search engines using tools like Google's Rich Results Test. This verification process ensures that your structured data is correctly implemented and capable of delivering the desired SEO benefits.

Examples and Testing

  • Client Sites: See how structured data is implemented in real-world scenarios by visiting client sites like and
  • Rich Results Test: Utilize Google's Rich Results Test to evaluate how effectively your structured data is incorporated.
  • Community Store: For e-commerce sites built with Concrete CMS, integrating RDF with the Community Store enhances product data visibility and searchability.

This add-on represents a significant step forward for website owners looking to optimize their sites for search engines, offering a straightforward solution to implement structured data for better SEO performance.