MP4 Player

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  • MP4-Shot1.jpg
  • MP4-Shot2.jpg

Embed and view MP4 videos directly from the file manager and in web pages.V9+

Responsive MP4 Player prioritizes accessibility and usability, providing an efficient solution for displaying video content. The player is built on the native browser video element, ensuring compatibility and ease of use without the need for additional JavaScript.


  • Responsive Design: Adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions, ensuring that MP4 videos are displayed optimally across various devices.
  • Placement Flexibility: Offers the option to align the video player to the left, center, or right, allowing for a more customized and visually appealing layout.
  • Accessibility Support: Includes a descriptive text beneath the video, enhancing accessibility for users relying on screen readers. However, it's important to note that it does not support captions, which may be a consideration for those requiring or preferring video content with subtitles.
  • Security Measures: Downloading of videos is disabled, providing a measure of control over the distribution and unauthorized use of video content.
  • Simplified Integration: By leveraging the native browser video element and eschewing JavaScript, the player ensures ease of integration and compatibility, minimising potential conflicts and performance issues.

Live demo: