
Change the header type

Theme installation comes with a single page under Dashboard/Pages & Themes/Journey Options/Site Settings. Make use of this page to switch between two header templates. To benefit of this feature:

  1. Navigate to Dashboard > Pages & Themes > Journey Options > Site Settings
  2. Select a header template
  3. Click save


Available templates are:

  • Full Header ( Default )
  • Transparent Header
  • Light Header

Note : Once one of header templates is selected, it will be applied to all pages.

Change the footer type

Journey theme adds also on installation configuration for the footer template under: Dashboard/Pages & Themes/Journey Options/Site Settings

  1. Start by navigating to the location
  2. Select Footer Template, click on save.


Available footer templates are :

  • Light Footer ( Default )
  • Dark Footer

Note : Once one of the footer templates is selected, it will be applied to all pages.

Set additional font

Journey theme allows to set additional font to use in theme customizer. You can use this option through Dashboard/Pages & Themes/Journey Options/Site Settings

  1. Start by navigating to the location
  2. Additional font depends on three elements:
  • Display Name: Text to display in font selector
  • Css: Specifies the font-family property
  • Link: Link to the font-family file


  1. You may see the new font from Theme Customizer like below:
