Version History


  • Fixed edition of image tags. Tags should be properly saved after first edit.
  • Fixed js error when multiple images were being added at once (all js fields should be properly initialized now).


  • Fixed tag/topic filtering in Pixel9 theme. If your theme is properly wrapped with ".ccm-page" div, nothing should change.


  • Fixed marketplace linter error.
  • Implemented Swiper "Slides per view auto" option for slider template. When editing block, go to "Texts" -> "Slider - Slides per view auto" (you also have to set "Thumbnail height" and keep "Thumbnail width" field empty).
  • Content of "view_photo_swipe.php" has been moved from view.php (which shouldn't be there in first place) to footer (now it is loaded in controller). This change should not affect current galleries. File "view_photo_swipe.php" still exists for compatibility with custom templates, but will likely be removed in next major version. This change will allow to have some css properties on gallery wrapper and lightbox html will not be loaded multiple times when there are multiple galleries.
  • Added option for clickable Titles and Descriptions in Masonry Cards template. Find "Clickable Title and Description" option in "Texts" tab.
  • Minor fixes
  • Added new option to select multiple Gallery Tags in masonry templates at the same time.
    You can find new options in "Texts" tab, after you enable Gallery Tags in block: "Allow multiple Tag selection", "Multiple Tag selection - Filtering mode", "Multiple Tag selection - Allow one per category".
  • Added new option: "Topics Template" (choice between one and two-level horizontal list).
    "Two-level Horizontal Dropdown List" works only with Gallery Tags generated from Page List (Topics).
    You can find this option in "Texts" tab, after you enable Gallery Tags from Topics in block.
    When creating Topic attribute, all first level elements should be type of "Category" and second level should be type of "Topic".
  • Added new option to make all Masonry Cards equal height.
    You can find option "Equal height of Masonry Cards" in "Texts" tab when editing block.
    This will work only with "Masonry Cards" template and when "Reveal method" is not set to Javascript method.
  • Fixed missing image alt inside PhotoSwipe lightbox
  • Fixes double-arrow rendering in slider template, when color was changed in options.
  • Display default values in fields when adding "Grand Gallery" block in Composer page
  • Added ability to display Page Aliases in Page List Galleries
  • Replace coalescing operator with ternary to fix errors in c5 linter.
  • Grand Gallery is now fully compatible with php8 (feel free to report bugs if I missed something).
  • Fixed magnific popup bug when using non-atomik/elemental themes.

  • 2.0.1
  • Fixed underscore bug when using non-atomik/elemental themes.

  • Package updated for version 9.0.0
  • Minimum required c5 version is 9.0.0, use previous version of package when using c5.8
  • Added option for clickable Titles and Descriptions in Masonry Cards template. Find "Clickable Title and Description" option in "Texts" tab.
  • Fixed missing image alt inside PhotoSwipe lightbox
  • Hide un-styled filename in some browsers when image is being loaded
  • Added option to limit number of displayed images in gallery ("Images" tab)
  • Fixed default transition speed for already created sliders. If there is still no transition animation between slides - just edit block and set "Slider - Transition speed" to 1000.
  • Added transition speed option to slider template
  • Added option "Sort tags alphabetically" (under option to display Gallery Tags)
  • Fixed css overflow bug when editing/selecting tags from bigger lists. Now you can just scroll down and select tag.
  • Selecting single/multiple images from File Manager has been splitted into two buttons for more intuitive experience
  • Added option to disable all links at once ("Disable lightbox/links for all Images" in "Edit Captions / Links" tab)
  • Fixed bug that caused resuming autoplay after hovering over slide (even if "Autoplay Delay" was set to 0)
  • Fixed bug when block height in edit mode was calculated wrong (and you had to manually resize block)
  • You can filter by Page Types and include all children pages in galleries based on Page List.
  • Added info (above file selection buttons) about how multiple file selection actually works since version 5.8.3. If you are not able to select images, this is the solution: When you open File Manager, select one or more Images (you can hold CTRL or SHIFT button to select multiple files), click arrow next to "Name" header and select "Choose Files".
  • Added ability to filter images by topics (similar to how you can filter by image tags now)
  • Added another option when using tags im masonry template: "At start, display only images from first tag (beside "Show all tags")"
  • Added ability to change font size in lightbox settings, updated photoSwipe files, fixed bug with <br/> tags in lightbox description
  • Fixed "Parent Page" field on multilingual sites
  • Now, if you fill "Displayed Tags" field, only images having one of selected tags will be shown (you can bypass it by checking "Force displaying all selected Images" option)
  • Now, by default, single tag will not be displayed (unless "Force displaying single Tag" option is checked)
  • Enabled sorting when title and description fields are disabled
  • Added forced sorting for all image galleries (similar to page lists)
  • Fixed lightbox error when not logged in
  • Fixed missing escape functions across whole package
  • Fixed image position in photoSwipe lightbox, when image different than original is selected
  • Small UI fixes
  • Fixed missing translations
  • Added autoplay feature for slider template (under "Texts" tab)
  • From now slider will lazy load previous and next image at start
  • Added possibility to use custom templates (check Settings tab in block)
  • Fixed csrf error during ajax actions
  • Removed css style that caused one-page websites to break (overflow: hidden)
  • Fixed image width in themes that don't have responsive images set by default
  • Added new template: "Slider". Template uses already existing fields like "Number of columns"/"Margin". Bullets/Arrows/Loop can be changed in "Texts" tab when editing block. Colors can be changed in dashboard page "Basic Settings".
  • You can filter page list gallery by attribute "Is Featured" (handle: "is_featured")
  • Added optional arrows to "Single thumbnail" gallery (when Masonry/Masonry cards template is divided into pages)
  • Fixed image displaying on newer versions of safari/ios
  • For image filtering, now you can use Topics instead Image Tags (recommended for galleries based on Page List)
  • Added additional sorting methods for galleries based on Page List
  • Added missing "defined or die" statements
  • Remember to clear c5 cache/browser cache after update
  • IE 11 support has been dropped (though it should work in limited way)
  • Added new template: masonry
  • Added new template: masonry_cards
  • Masonry is now "preferred" template with most options, default template is mostly not changed for backward compatibility (choose masonry template, set "Thumbnail width", "Thumbnail height", "Thumbnail crop" and "Masonry random heights" to 100% to mimic default template)
  • You can filter images by tags now in all templates except "default"
  • Now you can add up to 72/200/800 images per gallery (depending on settings) with standard php configuration
  • Images are now lazy loaded in all templates except "default" (loading when entering the viewport) by default. Check "Dashboard / Grand Gallery / Block settings / Thumbnails loading/revealing" or custom settings in block to toggle it
  • Implemented new gallery reveal methods: "Show all images as one, non-divided gallery" / "Divide gallery into parts with "Show more" button using JavaScript" (with optional automatic reveal) / "Divide gallery into pages". Check "Dashboard / Grand Gallery / Block settings / Thumbnails loading/revealing" or custom settings in block to see available options
  • Gallery can now be based on Page List (displays images from "Thumbnail" attribute and forces Links to selected pages).
  • Fixed bug: count() and php7.2
  • Marketplace release
  • Implemented max. limit of images, that can be added/edited in block (80 or 225, depending if option "Additional linking methods" is enabled, see "Dashboard/Grand Gallery/Basic Settings")
  • When adding images over limit, exceeded images will be removed from current form, but not from File Set/Folder (they would behave like added outside Grand Gallery block)
  • By default, linking methods ("Link to external url" etc.) are disabled (there is an option in dashboard page, to bring them back, but it will lower max. number of images per gallery to 80 from 225)
  • Fixed errors when mySQL strict_mode is enabled
  • Removed deprecated code
  • Submission to marketplace