Event Tracking

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A CKEditor plugin for adding event tracking to hyperlinks within your content

Event Tracking is useful for website owners and developers who want to monitor how users interact with links on their pages, using event tracking mechanisms provided by analytics tools like Google Analytics. The plugin emphasizes ease of integration with CKEditor, offering a user-friendly way to embed tracking functionality without requiring in-depth technical knowledge of analytics coding. It's also forward-looking, with its PHP 8 compatibility ensuring it's ready for current and future web development standards.


  • CKEditor Integration: Adds a toolbar icon and context menu option in CKEditor for easy access to event tracking features.
  • Event Tracking Configuration: Allows defining key properties for tracking, such as Event Category, Event Action, and optional Event Label and Event Value.
  • Data Attributes: Implements tracking by adding HTML data attributes to links, making the tracking setup software agnostic and future-proof.
  • Dynamic JavaScript Snippet: Includes a JavaScript snippet that activates on page load to monitor clicks on links with data attributes, ensuring events are tracked seamlessly.
  • Google Analytics Support: While initially supporting Google Analytics, the plugin is designed to be extendable to other analytics tools. It includes support for both analytics.js and gtag.js protocols from version 1.1.0 onwards.
  • Configurable via Dashboard: Offers a settings page in the dashboard for configuring whether and how events are sent to Google Analytics or potentially other analytics services.