Version History


Fixed an issue where the plugins were not loaded in calendar events' settings dialog in the dashboard 2.0

Ready for Concrete v9 1.2.2

Added the possibility to give access to the plugins to users with no editing permissions by setting the config value concrete.ckeditor_plugin_installer.load_plugins_for_non_editors to true in application/config/concrete.php. 1.2.1

Modified YouTube URLs to use HTTPS to not throw a mixed content warning 1.2.0

Fix to the config system that broke with 8.5.4 1.1.0

Fixed a bug with User Group Permissions Changed compatibility to concrete5 8.3.1 minimum 1.0.8

Fix for compatibility issues with Concrete5 8.4.0 and above 1.0.7

Improved on plugin's handle detection 1.0.6

Fixed a compatibility problem with PHP 7.2.x 1.0.5

Fixed a problem with a namespace that was causing problems under certain systems 1.0.4

Fixed a permission problem that prevented plugins from being loaded for users other than the superuser 1.0.3

Fixed a little problem with messages when uploading a plugin by drag-and-drop (yes you can) 1.0.2

Bugfix: C5 has problems using relative paths prior to 8.2. This resolves that issue. 1.0.1

Bugfix: unzipping was throwing an error for C5 prior to 8.2.0RC2 due to a change in C5's codebase. 1.0

Content Editor Pluginator the CKEditor plugin installer is launched