Version History


Bug Fix: The system would crash when activating 2FA during registration.


Bugfix: when a user didn't exist during second step, an error was thrown.

August 16 2023: Version 2.1.4

Bug fix following a change in Concrete 9.2.1 April 19 2023: Version 2.1.3

Fixed the user attribute's CSV export March 12 2023: Version 2.1.2

Removed GPL protected code Migrated session after login, so the auth cookie is refreshed correctly (thank you, @triplei) Updated Composer dependencies February 27 2023: Version 2.1.1 Fixed attribute search Fixed impossibility to save User 2FA as disabled Oct. 6 2022: Version 2.1.0

Package ready for PHP 8 March 23 2022: Version 2.0.3

Fixed an issue with the backup password throwing an error on save March 9 2022: Version 2.0.2

Fixed an issue with the installer on certain server configuration Nov. 20 2021: Version 2.0.1

Dealt with a possible XSS issue for v9 Oct. 29 2021: Version 2.0

v9 Ready