RM Auto complete

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Auto Complete Search Form Add-On for Concrete CMS Version 9

The Auto Complete Search Form add-on enhances the user experience on Concrete CMS Version 9 websites by introducing an intuitive, single-field search form equipped with auto-complete functionality. This simple yet powerful block streamlines the search process, allowing users to find relevant content quickly as they type. By incorporating this add-on, website administrators can provide a smoother, more user-friendly navigation experience.


  • Simple Setup: Easily integrate the search form into your website by dragging and dropping the block and configuring your search settings, similar to the standard Concrete5 search block.
  • Auto-Complete Functionality: Offers real-time suggestions to users as they type in the search field, improving search efficiency and user satisfaction.
  • Versatile Templates: Choose between two templates to match the look and feel of your website. Options include a template with URL links only and another that incorporates basic Concrete CMS search functionality when no suggestions are found.
  • Fallback Search: In cases where auto-complete suggestions are not available, the block can revert to using the standard Concrete search form functionality, ensuring users can still complete their searches.
  • Custom Configuration: Customize the text and settings for the auto-complete feature to best fit the needs of your site and its users.

Usage Scenarios:

  • Content-Rich Websites: Ideal for sites with extensive articles, blog posts, or product listings, enabling users to quickly navigate to the information they need.
  • E-commerce Platforms: Enhance the shopping experience by helping customers find products, categories, or offers as they start typing.
  • Community and Forum Sites: Allow members to rapidly locate discussions, member profiles, or other community-related content.
  • Corporate Websites: Enable visitors to search for services, portfolio items, or company information efficiently.

By adding the Auto Complete Search Form add-on to your Concrete CMS Version 9 site, you not only enhance the overall user experience but also encourage engagement and interaction with your content, ultimately leading to increased satisfaction and retention.