Configuration and Options

API Key setup

Once the add-on has been installed, visit the 'Google Reviews' page within the Dashboard. Here, you will need to enter a Google API key.

Visit the Google Cloud's Keys and Credentials page and, if required, create a new project. Once a project has been selected, ensure you are in the 'Keys & Credentials' section and select the 'Create Credentials' button at the top of the page. Create an 'API key'.

You do not need to apply restrictions to this API key due to way the key is used in a server-to-server API call.

You may also need to configure a billing account and associate it with the project.

Also ensure that the Places API is enabled on the project via the APIs & Services page

Copy this API key into the Dashboard page's API Key field and select Save.

From here, you should be able to add the new 'Google Ratings & Reviews' block to a page, enter a Place ID, and then after saving the block see reviews and ratings.


Google API offers $200 of free credit per month, which equates to 100,000 free requests against the Places API. Due to the caching of the fetched data, requests to the API are made only once a day (as the default setting), meaning that no billing should ever occur.


There are two ways to adjust the display of the Google Ratings & Reviews block:

  • adjust the various options on the block, such as changing what links and content appears, changing the logo type or alignment
  • change the block template via the 'Design & Block Template' option on the block. This will allow you to change to other options such as a floating badge, basic carousel, or a simple one-line display.

Customizing Further

The block's appearance and output can be further customized through the creation of custom block templates. The default template (view.php) has obvious markup, with many css classes. Please refer to the official documentation on how to create custom block templates.

Suggestion: if you are wanting to easily make CSS adjustments to this block (or your theme in general), you may also be interested in the Theme Styling Tool add-on