
This package allows users to request to delete their user accounts and associated data (Files, Pages etc.). It deactivates the user account & pages immediately. And delete it permanently after 30 days. You can set the options as you need from the settings page.

How It Works:

The user will request to delete his account from /account/quit_profile page. The account and owning pages will be inactive immediately. The account and the owning files and pages will be deleted forever after 30 days. Delete Inactive Users - Quit Profile job needs to be run through CRON to do this. The admin can restore the user account within 30 days from /dashboard/quit_profile/users page. The package itself comes with default settings. Admin can change the settings from /dashboard/quit_profile/settings page.


Allows asking or not asking password on quit profile. Allows asking or not asking the reason of quit profile. Allows to set up an unlimited number of custom questions. Allows showing a textarea for the last reason. Allows showing confirm page.

How To Use:

Visit YOUR_SITE/dashboard/quit_profile. Set the options as you want. It’s really easy to set. Set the CRON job for Delete Inactive Users - Quit Profile. You're all set now.