Installation Instructions
Unzip this file in your site's packages/ directory. Login to your site as an administrator. Find the "Add Functionality" page in your dashboard. Find this package in the list of packages awaiting installation. Click the "install" button.
Loader Settings This section allows you to enable / disable the loader for your website. Header Style Settings This section allows you to select the desired header style for your website. The Grid System in Nexus We offer a variety of options for the grid system in our theme. Below, we'll provide insights into the different features we offer: Containers We utilize the Concrete CMS v9 feature to provide users with various possibilities for dividing areas into columns. The available containers in our theme include:
2 Cols 2 Cols Section 3 Cols 4 Cols Background Overlay Background Primary Card Card Gray Container Fluid Features Banner Page Heading Section Section Gray Section Header Success Story
Grid Support for Some Areas Since version 1.2, we have added grid support for some areas, allowing users to divide areas using the Bootstrap grid system. By default, this feature wraps blocks within the area with a container. If you don't want this wrapper for a specific block, click on the block, go to Design & Block Template, click on the "Cog" icon, and then choose Block Container Class > Disabled Grid Container. Starting from version 1.2, we've added an area named "Main (Grid Container)" at the bottom of each page template to provide more options for users. Area Layout Presets The "Area Layout Presets" feature allows you to define different layout options for your content. Here are the available presets:
Four Columns Three Columns Two Columns Left Sidebar Right Sidebar
You can use these presets by click on a specif Area > Add Layout > Then choose a preset from the dropdown.