MP3 Player

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A streamlined way to load MP3 audio media directly from the file manager. V9+

This extension is designed to improve user engagement and accessibility, offering a straightforward approach to incorporating audio into your web pages.


  • Simple MP3 Integration: Enables easy loading of MP3 audio files from the file manager, ensuring a seamless audio experience on your website.
  • Customizable Appearance: Offers the option to display an image above the player, allowing for a more personalized and visually appealing presentation of audio content.
  • Accessibility-Focused: Includes an accessibility description below the player, making audio content more accessible to users with disabilities.
  • Native Browser Support: Utilizes the native browser audio element for playback, avoiding the need for additional JavaScript, ensuring compatibility and simplicity.
  • Custom CSS Styling: Features CSS modifications to override the default Chrome browser styling, removing radius ends from the player for a sleek, uniform look across all browsers.

Live demo: