Lock if Out-Of-Office Hours

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  • sukurinshiyotsuto_2024-06-10_101057.png
  • sukurinshiyotsuto_2024-06-05_132912.png

This addon configures Office Hours. Access will be denied if out-of-office hours. Locked pages can be either Dashboard or All pages.

This addon shut-outs accesses when users visit out-of-office hours. It will reduce the risk of illegal access.

This addon actually shut-outs if the site is in production mode. If not in production mode, logs are recorded but users are not shut-outed.

Key Features:

  1. Office hour Setting: Office hours are configured on a weekday basis. Additionally you can set holiday lists.
  2. Locked Pages: Either "Dashboard pages" or "Front pages and Dashboard pages"
  3. Log: In development, staging, and production modes, you can set different log levels.