Lite Slider

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Lite Slider allows you to create dynamic visual displays that engage your visitors.

Lite Slider is a versatile and user-friendly add-on for Concrete CMS, designed to enhance your website with beautiful, responsive sliders. Featuring elegant animations, transition effects, and extensive customization options.


  • Ease of Use: Simplify slider creation and management with easy slide addition, deletion, and drag-and-drop ordering.
  • Bulk Image Import: Streamline the setup process by importing multiple images simultaneously for your slides.
  • Link Association: Enhance your slides by associating each one with a specific link, guiding visitors to your chosen URLs.
  • Custom Dimensions: Define the slider's width to ensure it fits perfectly within your site's layout.
  • Animation Customization: Tailor animation types, effects, and speeds to match the mood and style of your website.
  • Autoplay Options: Configure autoplay settings to control how your slider behaves when visitors arrive on your page.
  • Navigation Preferences: Choose from various navigation styles, including arrows, bullets, or a combination of both, to enhance user interaction.
  • Color Customization: Adjust the color scheme of your slider to align with your brand identity or website design.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure a seamless viewing experience across all devices with customizable thumbnails for desktop, tablet, and phone.
  • Media Support: Incorporate a variety of media types within your slides using the Rich Text Editor.
  • Touch Navigation: Facilitate easy navigation for touch device users with drag and swipe capabilities.


Lite Slider is supported by:

  • NEW: Default ConcreteCMS Atomik theme. (Demo)
  • Replica Shop. (Demo)
  • Replica Pro theme. (Demo)
  • Motif theme. (Demo)
  • Journey theme. (Demo)
  • Subatomik theme. (Demo)
  • Crista theme:
    • Crista Spa (Demo).
    • Crista Health (Demo).
    • Crista Business (Demo).
    • Crista Photo (Demo).
    • Crista Construction (Demo).
    • Crista Education (Demo).
    • Crista Hotel (Demo).