Data Transfer

Flow of a Data Transfer Request

  • A user requests data via a form or button. An example block, that can be put on the Edit Profile page for example, is included in this package:

  • The form or button fires an event: on_gdpr_data_transfer_request.

  • The request is automatically stored in the database when the event is fired.

  • An automated job can be installed via the Settings page. The job processes Data Transfer requests and creates downloads by firing the on_gdpr_process_data_transfer_request event.

  • It will create a ZIP file with a unique file name in /files/data_transfers that consists of JSON data and file data.

  • The user receives an email with link (+hash) to download the archive within x-days (configurable). This email can be customized / overridden.

  • If the user tries to download an expired or invalid archive, a 404-page is shown.

  • The user can extract the ZIP file.


  • A process data request can be created the on_gdpr_data_transfer_request event.

  • The automated job fires an on_gdpr_process_data_transfer_request event. By doing so, all custom code, including other packages can submit data to the data transfer object.

  • The mail template can be overridden by copying it to the /application/mail folder.


  • The files are first copied to a temp folder in order to make the ZIP. Make sure you have enough disk space.
  • If you deal with many files, you may want to increase the max execution time for PHP. By default the (queuable) job will process one request per time.
  • If a user is deleted, associated data transfer requests and files are deleted from the database.
  • Associated Data Transfer Files are removed from the file system is the user is deleted.


  • Delete expired data transfers.
  • Allow an admin to approve the data transfer before they are made.