Folder Selector

  • thumbnail.png
  • folder_selector_screenshot_6_1701433145.png
  • folder_selector_screenshot_5_1701433145.png
  • folder_selector_screenshot_4_1701433145.png
  • folder_selector_screenshot_3_1701433145.png
  • folder_selector_screenshot_2_1701433144.png
  • folder_selector_screenshot_1_1701433144.png
  • folder_selector_screenshot_0_1701433144.png

Include content from a designated folder

This addon instals the folder_selector-block which gives users the flexibility to integrate this content on a webpage, within a stack, or across global areas, seamlessly integrating with the site's structure and enhancing its content management capabilities.


  • Enables selection of a specific folder for content display.
  • Provides options to include content from subfolders, broadening the scope of content that can be showcased.
  • Supports content organization through limits and pagination, facilitating easier navigation and a cleaner display.
  • Allows for the customization of style through additional classes, enabling a more personalized and coherent look.
  • Offers various display templates, such as a list (table) format and a lightbox gallery, to better match the content presentation with the site's design.
  • Important to note, this add-on does not adhere to file permissions, which might affect the visibility of sensitive content.