Developer Docs

Before Install/Use

Make sure your application/blocks folder has read and write permissions (i.e. 0777 rights). You can either do this in your admin/cPanel or via your FTP application (FileZilla or something else). When using this package on your localhost (WAMP/XAMPP/LAMP) it should usually work instantly!

Set caching for CSS and Javascript to OFF. Do not leave this option on. Switch this off by going to System & Settings -> Cache & Speed Settings (under Optimization)

As a default icon gets included with each every block you create (without uploading your own icon), give read/write permissions to the packages/block_designer/img folder aswell to be able to copy and move this file to the newly created block type.

From version 2.9 of Block Designer and upwards, PHP 5.4 is the minimum. So be sure your hosting isn't using any old 5.3.x or lower version(s)!

Changing field type order

Go to [website_root]/packages/block_designer. You will find a file called config.json there. In this .json file, the order of the field types is determined with an array (with ftOrder as key). Change this order in whatever order you would like it to be. But remember, when updating the module, this file will be overwritten. Always backup this config file when you changed it! By default, the array will look like this:

"ftOrder": [ "text_box", "text_area", "image", "link", "url", "select", "wysiwyg", "static" ]

Field types

Do not make changes to core field types. These field types should stay as they are, as future updates will overwrite your files. If you would like to see a change to a field type or would like to remove/add something, let me know by sending me a message (by mail/private message).

Create your own Field Types for Block Designer

Creating Field Types for Block Designer is rather simple. Make for example a "BlockDesigner" directory in your package. We assume you have a "awesome_package" package. Your package folder is here:


Your Block Designer directory is here:


Create a "FieldType" directory, within that, to drop in all your field types for Block Designer.


So for each field type you make, you make a new folder within the directory above. Let's make a "Test" field type and let's create the PHP file as well:


OK, cool. Doing good so far. Let's have some content in it: