Anti-Spammer Master for Form Reform

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Advanced SPAM prevention tools for Form Reform

Anti-Spammer Master for Form Reform integrates seamlessly with Anti-spammer Master, targeting a wide array of spamming tactics to safeguard your professional data within Form Reform environments. It also supports integration with Formidable for a comprehensive anti-spam solution.


  • Spam Prevention: Blocks spam using a multifaceted approach that includes:

    • Denylists in multiple languages to filter out spam words and expressions.
    • The use of concrete5's own denylist for additional filtering.
    • Blocking of disposable and invalid email addresses.
    • Limitation on the number of links within messages.
    • Detection and blocking of submissions made too quickly, indicative of bot activity.
    • Integration of a honeypot mechanism, utilizing Form Reform's features.
    • Blocking of bots hosted on Amazon AWS servers and those using anonymous TOR IPs.
    • Prevention against rapid multiple submissions by the same user.
    • Filters for HTML and BB code content.
    • Blocks on known exploit attempts.
    • Checks on the minimum length and number of words in messages.
    • IP blocking based on public and concrete5-specific denylists.
    • Examination of specific HTTP headers for signs of spam.
    • Blocking of user agents and referrers listed on public denylists.
  • Reporting & Statistics: Offers insightful reports detailing the number of spam attempts blocked, both overall since installation and within the last 31 days. For example, on, over 3505 spam attempts were blocked from December 2020 to August 2021, demonstrating the tool's effectiveness.

While Anti-Spammer Master for Form Reform is a robust solution against spam, it's noted that no system can guarantee 100% efficacy. The tool is designed to significantly reduce automated and some manual spam, contributing to cleaner and more secure data management.