Afixia Automatic WebP Image Conversion

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WebP Image Converter Add-On for Concrete CMS

Enhance your website's performance and meet Google's PageSpeed Insights recommendations by utilizing the WebP Image Converter Add-On for Concrete CMS. This powerful tool automates the conversion and optimization of your site's images to the WebP format – a next-gen image format known for its superior compression and quality characteristics compared to traditional formats like JPG and PNG.


  • Automatic Conversion: Automatically converts uploaded JPG and PNG images to the WebP format without requiring manual intervention or alteration of your image uploading habits.
  • Seamless Delivery: Intelligently detects when images are being delivered to a user, checks for an existing WebP version, and serves it if available. If a WebP version doesn't exist, it creates one on-the-fly and serves it to the user.
  • Fallback Mechanism: Ensures that if a WebP version cannot be created or found, the original image will be served, ensuring no disruption in user experience.
  • Efficiency and Speed: Optimizes website loading times and improves overall site performance by serving smaller, faster-loading WebP images.
  • Google PageSpeed Compliance: Helps your website meet Google's recommendations for using next-gen image formats, potentially improving your SEO rankings and user experience.