Macareux File Download Statistics

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Provides detailed insights into how and when files are downloaded.

The File Download Statistics package for Concrete CMS is an invaluable tool for website owners and administrators looking to track and display file download data. This comprehensive package enhances your site's functionality by providing detailed insights into how and when files are downloaded, catering to both the site administrators and the users themselves.

Single Page

  • File Downloads: Located under /dashboard/reports/files, this single page offers a centralized dashboard for viewing file download statistics. It allows for filtering by user, file, and date, giving administrators a robust tool for analyzing download trends and activities on their website.

Block Types

  1. My Downloads:

    • This block displays the download statistics of files downloaded by the current user, offering a personalized insight into their download behavior.
    • Block Type Options:
      • Items per page: Allows customization of how many items are displayed per page.
      • Display Pagination: Option to turn pagination on or off based on the volume of data.
  2. Download History of My Uploads:

    • Focused on content creators and uploaders, this block shows the download statistics of files uploaded by the current user, providing valuable feedback on the popularity and reach of their shared files.
    • Block Type Options:
      • Items per page: Customizable setting to determine the number of items shown per page.
      • Display Pagination: Offers the choice to enable or disable pagination for the displayed data.

Key Benefits

  • Insightful Data: Offers both administrators and users detailed insights into download activities, enhancing the understanding of content engagement on the site.
  • Customizable Display: The ability to adjust items per page and pagination options allows for a tailored viewing experience, accommodating both small and large sets of data.
  • User Engagement: By providing users with statistics related to their downloads and uploads, the package encourages active participation and content sharing on the platform.

This package is perfect for community-driven sites, educational platforms, and any website that facilitates a significant amount of file sharing and downloads. By integrating the File Download Statistics package into your Concrete CMS site, you gain access to valuable data that can inform content strategies, user engagement initiatives, and overall site management practices.