Universal Content Puller

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Pull content from many places. Transform it in many ways. Display it in many ways.

Universal Content Puller for Concrete CMS is an extraordinarily versatile tool designed to enhance your website's content presentation. It allows you to pull content from various sources, transform it through different processes, and display it in numerous ways, catering to a wide array of web development needs.

Key Features

  • Diverse Content Sources: Pull content from stacks, global areas, files in the file manager, pages, lists (page, user, express, calendar event), external URLs, and even directly from databases with SQL queries.
  • Content Transformation: Offers the ability to transform content through markdown to HTML conversion, adding line breaks, creating tables from CSV/HTML/XML/JSON, and more complex transformations using a pipeline.
  • Flexible Content Display: Display content as lists, tables, charts, paragraphs, serialized data, or even embedded JSON data, with options for headings, filtering, shuffling, and pagination.
  • AJAX Support: Enhance user experience with AJAX for dynamic content loading.
  • Extensible and Pluggable Architecture: Easily extend with additional content sources, transforms, and displays, either from UCP itself or through third-party packages.


  • Enhanced Content Presentation: Improve how content is presented on your site, making it more engaging and accessible to your audience.
  • Customization and Flexibility: With its mix-and-match approach, UCP offers unparalleled flexibility in how content is handled and displayed.
  • Efficiency and Productivity: Streamline the content management process by automating the pulling, transforming, and displaying of content.
  • Developer-Friendly: Designed for easy extension, UCP supports integration with any API-sourced data and facilitates customized display development.

Use Cases

  • Displaying the latest blog post excerpts on a home page.
  • Showcasing CSV data as interactive charts or tables.
  • Embedding dynamic lists of users or events with custom formatting.
  • Pulling and presenting content snippets from external websites.
  • Integrating complex data visualizations with AJAX for real-time updates.

Getting Started

After installation, find the Universal Content Puller block in the Basic block group and access dashboard pages at Dashboard > Stacks & Blocks > Universal Content Puller for configuration. Explore the available content sources, transforms, and displays to begin enhancing your website's content strategy.

Universal Content Puller revolutionizes the way you manage and present content on your Concrete CMS website, offering a blend of power, flexibility, and efficiency to meet the demands of modern web development.