Pending Pages

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An innovative tool designed to streamline the management of website content awaiting approval

Pending Pages addresses the challenge of locating pages, drafts, trash, and other items that are not yet live on your website. This functionality is particularly useful for web administrators and content managers who need to oversee the publication process, ensuring that no content remains unpublished due to oversight or is stuck in review stages. It simplifies the task of finding and approving content, ensuring your website stays up-to-date.


  • Comprehensive Search: Enables the discovery of all items awaiting approval, including stacks, draft pages, trash items, inactive items (comprising drafts and trash), and system pages (typically associated with a Package).
  • Flexible Sorting: Offers multiple sorting options to organize results efficiently, such as display order (ascending or descending), public date (ascending or descending), name (ascending or descending), and ID in ascending order.
  • Diverse Content Identification: Supports finding a wide range of content types pending approval, from standard pages to specific elements like stacks and system pages.
  • Instant Results: Automatically displays paginated results for pending items under the "Sitemap" section, allowing quick actions on pending pages without the need for additional filtering.
  • Streamlined Approval Process: Facilitates easy approval or further editing of pending pages, enhancing workflow efficiency and website management.

Pending Pages stands out as an essential tool for managing and expediting the approval process of website content, ensuring that all pages and items reach their intended audience promptly.