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The Hello Theme is crafted with simplicity and visual communication in mind.

The Hello Theme for ConcreteCMS is crafted with simplicity and visual communication in mind. It serves as an ideal solution for websites that want to convey a message primarily through imagery, such as a holding page for sites under construction or special announcement pages.

Key Features:

  • Singular Focus: Designed to showcase a single image with an introductory message and a call-to-action link, perfect for capturing visitor attention immediately.
  • Visual Communication: Best suited for messages that are mainly visual, helping to convey your message clearly and succinctly.
  • Special Pages: Ideal for introductory pages, under construction notices, or any special announcements that need to stand out.
  • Minimalistic Design: Its clean and straightforward design ensures that your message and image are the focal points without any distractions.


  • Introductory and Special Pages: Use this theme for pages that require immediate impact or for conveying essential information succinctly.
  • Small Sites: For smaller websites or campaigns with a single, focused message, the Hello Theme offers a clean and effective web presence.

Remember, while the Hello Theme is not designed to be a comprehensive solution for an entire website, its strength lies in its ability to communicate specific messages with clarity and impact.