Free Map

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This addon displays a map using OpenStreetMap.

This addon integrates OpenStreetMap into your website, utilizing Leaflet, a robust JavaScript library, to provide interactive mapping capabilities. Users can easily select map positions and marker locations through intuitive actions such as dragging the map and clicking to place markers. The addon enhances website interactivity and location-based functionalities without requiring extensive coding or map-making experience.


  • Interactive Mapping: Utilizes Leaflet to offer an interactive experience, allowing users to drag for map positioning and click for setting markers.
  • Customizable Dimensions: Configure the map's width and height with various units including px, vw, vh, em, rem, and % for flexible integration into different layouts.
  • Marker Visibility: Toggle the visibility of the map marker and associate popup messages for user interactions or informational points.
  • Adjustable Z-index: Manually set the z-index to ensure the map's proper layering within the page context.
  • Zoom Controls: Option to hide zoom controls for a cleaner map appearance while maintaining functionality.
  • Current Position Display: Incorporate a feature to show the user's current location on the map, enhancing usability and relevance.
  • Expert Mode: Directly input values for latitude, longitude, zoom level, and marker positions for precise control over map settings.