Macareux Personal Name Attribute

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  • md_personal_name_attribute_screenshot_1_1651629173.png
  • md_personal_name_attribute_screenshot_0_1651629173.png

An attribute type designed specifically for member profiles

This package introduces an attribute type designed specifically for member profiles, enhancing data entry by dividing names into separate input fields. By breaking down a member's name into distinct components, this tool aims to streamline the process of inputting and managing user information on platforms requiring detailed personal data. The separation of name fields allows for a more organized and efficient data handling approach, ensuring that user profiles are both accurate and user-friendly.


  • Provides an attribute type tailored for handling personal names in member profiles.
  • Enables the division of a member's full name into separate input fields, improving data organization.
  • Facilitates easier input, management, and retrieval of user information by categorizing name components distinctly.
  • Published under the MIT license, allowing for open contribution and modification.
  • Encourages community involvement through the provision for submitting pull requests to address bugs or suggest improvements.