Page Password

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Page Password Protection Add-On for Concrete CMS

The Page Password Protection add-on for Concrete CMS allows you to secure individual pages on your website with unique passwords. This feature is particularly useful for creating private areas on your site, such as client-specific pages, without requiring users to register for an account.


  • Multiple Passwords Per Page: Assign different passwords to different pages to maintain distinct levels of access for various users or groups.
  • Session Memory: Once a user enters the correct password, the information is stored in their session, eliminating the need to re-enter the password repeatedly during the visit.
  • Shared Password Recognition: If multiple pages use the same password, the user won’t need to re-enter it after accessing the first protected page.
  • Recursive Mode: Enables password protection for a page and all of its child pages, simplifying the protection of entire sections of your site.