Open Graph Tags Lite

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Auto Open Graph Tags Add-On for Concrete CMS

The Auto Open Graph Tags Add-On enhances the visibility and presentation of your Concrete CMS website on social media platforms by automatically inserting Open Graph Tags (OGP) into the HEAD section of your web pages. This ensures that when your pages are shared on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, they are accompanied by appropriate titles, descriptions, images, and more, thereby improving engagement and click-through rates.


  • Comprehensive Meta Property Support: Automatically populates essential Open Graph Tags such as og:title, og:description, og:type, og:url, og:image, og:site_name, og:locale, og:updated_time, along with Facebook-specific tags like fb:admins and fb:app_id.
  • Twitter Cards Integration: Extends support to Twitter Cards, ensuring your content is well-represented on Twitter with relevant previews and information.
  • Enhanced Content Sharing: Improves the appearance and consistency of your web pages when shared on social media, leading to better engagement and reach.
  • Easy Installation and Configuration: Streamlines the process of adding and configuring Open Graph Tags without the need for manual code edits, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Automatic Updates: Reflects changes to your content in real-time, ensuring that the latest page information is always used in social shares.
  • SEO and SMO Enhancement: By providing detailed information to social networks, the addon assists in improving your site's social media optimization (SMO) and overall search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.