Community Store

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Build a powerful custom eCommerce solution on top of Concrete CMS.

Community Store is a comprehensive e-commerce extension designed for flexibility and ease of use in online retailing. It addresses various aspects of online selling from product presentation to order processing. The tool enhances the shopping experience and streamlines product management for sellers.


  • Product Management: Offers individual Product blocks and Product List blocks for clear display. Includes features for adding and managing products, viewing orders, and structuring data for search engine recognition.

  • Sales Processing: Enables a single-page checkout process with options for billing, shipping, shipping methods, and payment methods. Supports guest and forced login/register checkout modes, and the creation of new user accounts upon purchase.

  • Digital Downloads: Supports the sale of digital products with options for automatic downloads after purchase.

  • User Interface: Provides options for displaying products in grids, with sorting and pagination. Includes a popup cart and a dedicated cart page for viewing purchases.

  • Product Options and Variations: Allows for multiple product images with a lightbox option, and product variations such as sizes or colors, each with different prices, shipping values, and images.

  • Discounts and Stock Management: Features automatic discounts, reusable and one-time discount codes, and stock level tracking. Offers flexible shipping calculations including free shipping options.

  • Related Products and Categorization: Products can be grouped and categorized under pages, with the ability to display related products through the Product List block.

  • Tax and Pricing: Handles multiple tax classes and rates and can manage product prices both inclusive and exclusive of tax.

  • Payment and Shipping Methods: Includes Stripe, PayPal, and Invoice payment methods along with pluggable shipping calculations/methods.

  • Reports and Analytics: Provides sales statistics and reports for better business insights.

  • System Integration and Customization: Utilizes Concrete5 'Events' for activities like order placement and product updates. Offers CLI reset commands for clearing store data.

  • Catalogue Mode: A special mode that hides cart and checkout features, useful for showcasing products without selling them directly.