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Brecca is ideal for creating one-page websites but equally capable of supporting a fully-fledged website.

Initially inspired for use as an electronic invitation, particularly for weddings, Brecca's elegance and simplicity make it suitable for any event or occasion.


  • Versatility: While perfect for one-page sites, Brecca supports comprehensive websites with multiple pages.
  • Design: Envisioned for use with MrKDilkington - Full Screen Background Image and Overlay, allowing for stunning visual effects.
  • Customization: Fully customizable through the Concrete5 editing interface, catering to sites with a limited number of pages.


  • Site Name: Displays as an H1 with a choice of eleven custom Google fonts, though the site name is not within a global area.
  • Header Navigation Templates: Comes with four header navigation templates to accommodate varying numbers of top-level pages.
  • Navigation: Includes a specific Brecca Nav template, centering up to six page links for a polished look.
  • Page Types: Offers a full-page centered layout, with customizable color options within the theme panel.
  • Block Styling: Provides specific styling for the Image Slider and Social Links blocks.
  • Presets: Eleven presets available, primarily altering the site name font, setting a base for further styling.
  • Content Areas: Features a full content area and a two-column layout, plus a global area at the bottom for social icons or other elements.
  • JavaScript Enhancements: Utilizes JavaScript to prevent typographic "widows" and to ensure the site name's size adapts to prevent line breaks on smaller screens.

Additional Information:

  • Social Links: A centered template is available for the social links block to align icons in the middle of the page.
  • Background Image: The theme includes a background image block for easy background management on each page, complementing the ability to utilize full-screen backgrounds with additional add-ons like MrKDilkington's.
  • Registry Page Icons: Seventeen initial icons are provided with options to expand based on user needs, helpful for event-oriented sites.

Brecca is an excellent choice for individuals seeking a clean, minimalist theme that focuses on showcasing content beautifully against a captivating backdrop. Its simplicity and elegance make it particularly suitable for events, portfolios, and personal websites where visual impact is crucial.