Hutman Ads

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Comprehensive management of custom website ads

Hutman Ads provides a user-friendly dashboard for adding, editing, or deleting ads across a website, along with detailed statistics on ad performance including clicks and views. This tool simplifies the process of ad management and enhances the ability to track ad effectiveness.


  • Dashboard Management: Facilitates site-wide ad management with capabilities to add, edit, or delete ads.
  • Ad Customization Options:
    • Title: For dashboard organization.
    • Category: Choices include Default, Leaderboard, Sidebar.
    • Limit Display By: Options are Unlimited, Date, Clicks, Views, controlling when and how often an ad is shown.
    • Ad Type: Supports Image/URL/Target and Markup for versatile ad creation.
  • Ad Statistics: Offers detailed statistics for individual ads or combined, with visualization tools and CSV export functionality.
  • Human Ad Display Block: Enables displaying a selection of random ads, with optional category restriction for targeted advertising.
  • Display Limitation Settings: Allows ads to be limited by specific dates, number of clicks, or views, ensuring ads are displayed as per predetermined criteria.