CHD Achievement Counter

  • thumbnail.png
  • chd_achievement_counter_screenshot_0_1696446504.jpg
  • chd_achievement_counter_screenshot_1_1696446504.jpg

Display a significant numeric achievement on your website

This feature allows organizations to dynamically display a significant numeric achievement on their website. When a visitor scrolls to the block containing this number, the counter animates from zero to the achievement number, showcasing the milestone in an engaging way. The start point of the animation, increment amount, and speed are customizable, ensuring flexibility in presentation. For users with JavaScript disabled, the achievement number is displayed statically. Additional customization options include four text sizes and customizable alignment, with support for preceding and trailing characters to contextualize the number (e.g., currency symbols, percentage signs).


  • Dynamically displays numeric achievements as the user scrolls to the section.
  • Customizable start point, increment amount, and animation speed.
  • Static display for users with JavaScript disabled, ensuring accessibility.
  • Four text size options for flexibility in design.
  • Customizable alignment to fit different layout needs.
  • Supports preceding and trailing characters for contextualization (e.g., "$" for currency, "%" for percentages).