Author Profile

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Functionality tailored for multi-author blogs

Concrete CMS offers a robust platform for building blog sites, catering well to individual bloggers. However, when it comes to managing a multi-author blog site, the default setup might fall short, especially if there's a need to showcase more personalized author details such as biographies or their recent posts. To bridge this gap, an add-on is available that enriches Concrete CMS with enhanced functionality tailored for multi-author blogs.


  • Author Profile Block: This feature allows for the addition of detailed author profiles to blog posts or pages. It can display essential information about the author, including their biography, which adds a personal touch and helps readers connect more with the content creators.
  • Authors Pages Block: Facilitates the creation of dedicated pages for each author. These pages can include a compilation of the author's recent posts, providing a centralized spot for readers to explore all content produced by a specific writer.