Afixia Login Redirects

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Login Redirects Add-On for Concrete CMS

The Login Redirects Add-On for Concrete CMS offers a streamlined solution for managing post-login destinations for different users and user groups on your website. This utility enhances user experience by directing members to relevant content immediately after logging in, eliminating unnecessary navigation steps and improving site engagement.

Ideal for:

  • Intranets and Extranets: Direct employees or members to specific internal pages relevant to their roles or departments.
  • Community Websites: Guide users to personalized dashboard pages or community announcements.
  • Partner, Dealer, and Client Portals: Send partners or clients to their dedicated portal pages with tailored information.
  • Highly Managed Sites: Perfect for sites with multiple administrators or specialized user groups requiring distinct access points.

Feature List:

  • Event Listener Integration: Utilizes Concrete CMS's native event listener to intercept login events, ensuring users are redirected smoothly without experiencing double redirects.
  • Dashboard Management: Offers a user-friendly dashboard widget for creating, editing, and deleting redirect rules without the need for coding.
  • Rule Customization: Enables setting of active or inactive states for individual rules and prioritization through ordering.
  • Usage Tracking: Includes a built-in counter to monitor the frequency of each redirect rule's activation.
  • Automatic Rule Deactivation: Safeguards against broken links by automatically deactivating rules linked to deleted or trashed pages.
  • Platform Compatibility: Functions across all platforms without requiring .htaccess or nginx configurations.