Zen Countdown

  • thumbnail.png

The Countdown block is a versatile tool that allows you to create dynamic countdown timers on your Concrete CMS website.

Whether you're running a limited-time promotion, organizing an event, or simply building excitement for an upcoming event, the Countdown block has you covered.

Key Features

  • End Date: Set the date and time when the countdown timer should end.

  • Hide Counter after Completion: Optionally hide the countdown timer after it reaches zero.

  • Display Message after Countdown Completion: Show a custom message after the countdown timer finishes.

  • Message Content: Customize the message content and choose from various HTML tags for styling.

  • Message Content: Customize the message content and choose from various HTML tags for styling.

  • Show Credits Link: Display a link to the authors' page, acknowledging their work.

Dependencies: This block utilizes the flip.js library, licensed under the MIT License, to power its countdown functionality.