WebP for Thumbnails

  • thumbnail.png

Automate the creation and deletion of WebP versions of thumbnails

This package enhances the process of image uploads and thumbnail generation without altering the core functionality, focusing primarily on the use of WebP image format for efficiency. It automates the creation and deletion of WebP versions of thumbnails to ensure lighter images are displayed across various screen sizes without requiring user intervention. The package does not support the upload of WebP images directly but instead focuses on presenting WebP versions of existing thumbnails.


  • Installs five ThumbnailTypes matching default Bootstrap breakpoints for comprehensive display options.
  • Introduces listeners for ThumbnailGenerate and ThumbnailDelete events to manage WebP versions, ensuring they are created upon thumbnail generation and removed upon deletion.
  • Includes a template for the "Image" block named "Webp", facilitating the use of WebP images in the frontend.
  • Provides a job for recreating all WebP thumbnails, addressing the issue of existing thumbnails not having WebP versions until this job is executed.
  • Supports the use of LemonbrainWebp\ImageBrewer in custom development scenarios, offering methods like ImageBrewer::get() for generating `` elements with WebP and original format sources, and ImageBrewer::getJson() for JSON responses including image URLs.
  • The ImageBrewer::get() function allows for customization of image display using parameters such as fileID, altText, ratio, objectFit, misc, and classes, enhancing flexibility in image presentation.
  • The JSON response function, ImageBrewer::getJson(), optionally includes the content of the main image, useful for SVG images, and outputs URLs only for existing files, ensuring relevance and efficiency.

This package simplifies the integration of WebP images into a project, providing automatic handling and customization options without the need for extensive user knowledge of WebP formats, thus optimizing image size and quality across different devices.