Site Sniffer

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Keep track of all the sites and packages on your development system.

Site Sniffer is an invaluable tool for Concrete CMS agencies and dedicated developers for managing multiple Concrete CMS sites and packages within a development system. This package addresses the common challenge of tracking various sites, packages, and their versions across different projects and core versions.

Core Features:

  • Comprehensive Dashboard: Offers a centralized dashboard page listing all the sites on your development system, complete with live controls for searching, sorting, and filtering.

  • Detailed Site Analysis: Sites are meticulously analyzed and categorized based on:

    • Core Version: Identifies the Concrete CMS version each site is using.
    • Current Site Status: Marks the site currently being accessed.
    • Database Verification: Indicates whether a site is installed with a functioning database.
    • Database Absence: Highlights if Concrete CMS files are configured without a detectable corresponding database, often seen with file backups.
    • Non-Local Configuration: Identifies sites configured for non-local databases, typically backups from online sites.
    • Incomplete Installation: Marks sites missing configuration information, which could indicate uninstalled or incorrectly configured sites.
  • Package and Version Tracking: Lists packages by handle and tracks their versions across sites, providing a clear overview of the development landscape.

  • Backward Compatibility: Capable of detecting sites running on Concrete CMS versions as far back as 5.4, ensuring broad applicability.

  • Integration with Package Magic: For those who also use Package Magic, Site Sniffer includes extensions to compare packages across different sites on the same server.