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Easy to customize, well documented, and fast support.

This theme comes with its own content, which helps end-users get websites up and running in no time. Sample content contains configurations for Blog and Team entry pages.


  • Parallax Block
  • Video Home Banner
  • Pagetypes: Home, Left Sidebar, Right Sidebar, Full, Two Columns, Three Columns, Four Columns, Blank.
  • Custom Templates:
    • Autonav: c5box Body Style 1, c5box Body Style 2, c5box Breadcrumb, c5box Footleft, c5box Footright.
    • Feature: c5box Icon.
    • Page List: c5box Team pagelist, c5box 3 Column Carousel, c5box 4 Column Carousel, c5box Plist 2 Col, c5box Plist 3 Col, c5box Plist 4 Col, c5box Plist Full 30 ImgLeft, c5box Plist Full 30 ImgRight, c5box Plist Full 50 ImgLeft, c5box Plist Full 50 ImgRight, c5box Plist Thumbnail.
    • Pagetitle: c5box Title, c5box Job title.
    • Share Page: c5box Share.
    • FAQ: Accordion Style, Sticky Sidebar.
    • Search: C5box menu search.
    • Additional Styles: 2 Styles for next previous, 2 Styles for Social Links, 2 Style for Tags.
    • Tons of Google fonts built into the customization settings.