Automatic Sign Ins

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Automatically sign in users in by IP address, referrer URL or by visiting a page

This add-on for Concrete CMS introduces a feature that significantly enhances site accessibility and user experience by enabling automatic sign-ins under specific conditions. It's designed to streamline access to content based on predefined criteria such as IP address, referrer URL, or landing on a specific page.


  • User Selection: Administrators can pick a user to automatically sign in under the set conditions.
  • Flexible Matching Criteria: Offers the ability to match by IP address, referrer URL, or landing page, accommodating various use cases.
  • IP Address and Range Matching: Enables entry of one or more IP addresses or IP address ranges for matching, ideal for allowing access from specific locations.
  • Referrer URL Entry: Allows entry of one or more referrer URLs, facilitating access from designated external sites.
  • Page-Specific Access: Provides the option to restrict automatic sign-in to users landing on a specific page, enhancing content protection.
  • Toggle Enable/Disable: Offers the flexibility to enable or disable automatic sign-in as needed, without the necessity to delete the configuration.

Use Cases:

  • Business/Organization Access: Streamlines access for users within a specific business or organization by utilizing IP address matching, simplifying access to semi-confidential content.
  • Protected Content Access: Facilitates access to protected content for users coming from a specific URL, bypassing the need for a separate login system.
  • Content Unlocking: Allows access to certain website sections only after completing a predefined action, such as filling out a form.


  • Configuration Sensitivity: Care should be taken to avoid inadvertently providing access to editing controls or sensitive content.
  • Administrative Highlighting: The add-on alerts users when configurations involve super administrators or members of the Administrators group, although it doesn't restrict such actions.
  • Security Limitations: While useful, reliance on referrer URLs for content protection is not foolproof due to the potential for referrer spoofing by technically adept users.


Users are advised to use this add-on with caution, keeping in mind its capabilities and limitations to avoid unintended site access issues. The add-on is a powerful tool for improving site management and user experience but requires careful configuration to ensure it aligns with site security protocols.