Tallacmans Copyright

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Copyright Notice Add-On for Concrete CMS

The Copyright Notice add-on for Concrete CMS ensures your website's content is protected with an up-to-date and legally compliant copyright notice. This add-on simplifies the process of displaying copyright information on your site by providing a modern, recommended syntax that automatically updates every year. With PHP 8 compatibility, this add-on is designed to meet current web standards and technical environments.


  • Automatic Year Updates: The copyright notice automatically updates to the current year, ensuring your copyright information remains accurate without any manual intervention.
  • Customizable Start Date: Easily set the start date of your copyright to display the range (e.g., 2010-2023), establishing the longevity and protection period of your content.
  • Recommended Syntax: Utilizes modern web standards for displaying copyright information, ensuring your site meets legal recommendations.
  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly adds the copyright notice to your Concrete CMS site, maintaining consistency and professionalism across your web presence.
  • PHP 8 Compatibility: Updated to work with the latest PHP version, ensuring compatibility and performance on modern web servers.

Usage Scenarios:

  • Websites: Ideal for any business, personal, or organizational website looking to protect and clearly display copyright information.
  • Blogs: Perfect for bloggers wanting to assert copyright over their written content and photography.
  • E-commerce Platforms: Essential for online stores to protect product descriptions, images, and other proprietary content.
  • Portfolios: For artists, photographers, and creatives wishing to safeguard their work showcased online.

By incorporating the Copyright Notice add-on into your Concrete CMS website, you can rest assured that your copyright information is always current, clear, and legally compliant. This add-on removes the hassle of manually updating your copyright year and ensures that your website maintains a professional and protected online presence.