Recently Viewed Page

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Visitors views will be stored in his/her localstorage. The Recent Views block will display his/her recent views.

The Recent Views add-on for Concrete CMS enhances user experience by tracking and displaying a visitor's page viewing history directly on your website. Utilizing local storage, this add-on ensures privacy and reduces server load, offering a seamless browsing recap for your visitors.

Key Features:

  • Visitor View Recording: Automatically stores the history of pages visited by each user in their local browser storage, ensuring their browsing session remains private and secure.
  • Display Recent Views: Incorporates a dedicated block, the "Recent Views" block, which dynamically displays the user's recently viewed pages, enhancing site navigation and user engagement.
  • Configurable View History: Allows you to set the maximum number of viewed pages to display (up to 10) within the block settings, tailoring the feature to suit your website’s design and user needs.
  • Privacy-Friendly: Utilizes local storage rather than cookies, minimizing data leakage risks and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.
  • Server Load Reduction: By using local storage instead of server-side tracking, this add-on minimizes the impact on server performance, making it ideal for high-traffic websites.
  • Custom Templates: Offers custom templates, including an option with image thumbnails ('withimage'), enhancing the visual appeal of the browsing history list. Utilizes JavaScript libraries such as Underscore.js included with Concrete CMS for template rendering.